Majickal Guides: Quick Reference

Majickal Guides: Quick Reference

Let's jump right in with the moon phases. These are very useful not only for witchcraft, but for many practices. It's not always of great importance to use certain phases of the moon with spells or workings, but it does increase the strength of the spell. Here are the phases of the moon and what kind of spells are best for each phase if they are to work their greatest majick. The same division of properties goes the same for meditational, candle, energy workings or any other workings.

Moon Phase Basics

Waxing Moon
This is when the moon is increasing in size of visibility. This phase is for doing spells that might increase your gain such as love, money, power or other material things.

Full Moon
This phase is where I do most of my spells. For many including myself we believe your magic is much more powerful during this phase. Most people consider the full moon the actual night that it is the fullest and marked on the calender. However, the moon still has the same influence for a seven day period.

Waning Moon
This is when the moon is decreasing in size of visibility. This phase is for spells that do away with things or make things go away. Such as making someone leave you.

New Moon
This is when the first moon appears in the sky as a thin sliver of light. Spells under this phase are for new beginnings, new ventures, new life and new opportunities. So many spells concerning children and pregnancy are done under this phase.

Dark Moon
When no moon is in the sky. This is generally a period of rest and only two types of magic are worked during this phase: Binding and Banishing spells.

Blue Moon
This is when two full moons appear within the same month.This phase is known as the goal setting moon and you should never waste this powerful time in the lunar cycle.

Color Correspondences

Light, like all things, vibrates. Every color vibrates at a different speed. The different vibrations of various colors can be used by our brains and bodies in the workings we do for healing, meditations, majick, or any thing we wish. This is called practical majick because we are using an element, this time light. Each color represents a principle or value.


energy, strength, passion, courage, elemental fire, career goals, fast action, lust, blood, blood of the moon, vibrancy, driving force, love, survival, love, romantic atmosphere, energy, south point, Tuesday

Ruby Red
love or anger of a passionate nature

Light Red
deep affection of a non-sexual nature

harmony and friendship with people, binding majick, romantic love, planetary good will, healing of emotions, peace, affection, romance,
partnerships of emotional maturity, caring, nurturing

Deep Pink
harmony and friendship in the home

Pale Pink
friendship, prepubescent females

business goals, property deals, ambition, career goals, general success, justice, legal matters, selling, action, material gain, to seal a spell, attraction

Burnt Orange

passion, money goals, professional growth, fertility in business, career maneuvers

wealth, The God, promote winning, safety and power of the male aspects, Happiness, playful humor, attraction

Pale Gold
prosperity in health

Deep Gold
prosperity, sun majick

the sun, intelligence, accelerated learning, memory, logical imagination, breaking mental blocks, selling yourself, healing, east point, Sunday

Earth Mother, physical healing, monetary success, abundance, fertility, tree/plant, majick, growth, elemental earth, personal goals, healing or health, north point, Thursday

Light Green
improve the weather

Mint Green
financial gains, especially when used with gold and/or silver

Avocado Green

Dark Green
invoking the Goddess of regeneration, agriculture, financial

good fortune, opening blocked communication, wisdom, spiritual inspiration, protection, calm, reassurance, gently moving, elemental water, creativity, Friday

Royal Blue
power and protection

Dark Blue~ confusion

Pale/Light Blue
protection of home, buildings, prepubescent males

for wounded pride, broken bones, angelic protection

Indigo Blue
to reveal deep secrets, protection on the astral levels, defenses

influencing people in high places, third eye, psychic ability, spiritual power, self assurance, hidden knowledge, Wednesday

Dark Purple
calling up of the power of the ancient ones, sigils/runes, government

to invoke righteous spirit within yourself, favors for people

telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychometry, intuition, dreams, astral energies, quick money, gambling, invocation of the moon, moon majick,
female power, communication, The Goddess

influence in friendships, special favors, peace in the home, herb majick, friendship

Pale Brown
material benefits in the home

Dark Brown
invoking Earth for benefits

protection, repelling negativity, binding, shapeshifting, returning to sender, divination, negative work, Saturday

puts a halt to action, useful for pondering complex issues, victory, stability, negates or neutralizes a negative influence, can spark confusion in majick

spirituality, The Goddess, peace, higher Self, purity, virginity (which means that the woman's mind is her own, and not controlled by a man), righteousness, east point.  white may also be substituted for any other color.

peace of mind

Lily White
Mother candle (burned for thirty minutes at each moon phase)

(image via Hexcraft)

Herbal Correspondences (short list)

Note: This is only a short list. As soon as I complete my Herbal Encyclopedia, I will post a complete list.

acacia, angelica, carnation, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, lily of the valley, lotus, myrrh, rose, rosemary, vervain.

jasmine, orange, rose.

Banishing, Releasing
cedar, clove, cypress, patchouli, rose, violet, betony, elder, fern, mugwort, vervain, yarrow.

apple, cayenne, cypress, dragon's blood, pine, pepper, rowan, wormwood.

Blessing, Consecration
carnation, cypress, frankincense, lotus, rosemary, elder, rue.

benzoin, cinnamon, mint, peony

peppermint, dragon's blood, woodruff

Clairvoyance, Divination
acacia, cinnamon, lilac, honeysuckle, marigold, mugwort, nutmeg, roe, thyme, wormwood, yarrow, hazel, moonwort, rowan.

honeysuckle, dragon's blood, lilac, lotus, vervain, wild cherry, savory.

blackthorn, elder, pepper.

Determination, Courage
allspice, dragon's blood, musk, rosemary, mullein.

Energy, Power, Strength
allspice, bay, carnation, cinnamon, dragon's blood,
frankincense, lotus, holly, musk, thyme, oak, verbena.

bay, frankincense, lavender, pine, pepper, cedar, myrrh, mullein, basil, rue, rosemary, vervain, yarrow, wormwood.

Good Luck, Justice
cedar, cinnamon, cinqefoil, chamomile, bayberry, jasmine, honeysuckle, lotus.

Happiness, Peace
apple blossom, basil, cedar, cypress, fir, jasmine, lavender, lotus, lilac, orange, rose, rosemary, patchouli, purple loosestrife, lily of the valley, valerian, vervain.

carnation, cinnamon, cinqefoil, clove, hazel, hops, peppermint, orange, savory, rowan, myrrh, rose, rosemary, sandalwood, lotus, wild cherry, lavender.

Inspiration, Knowledge
clove, acacia, cinquefoil, cypress, reed, rosemary, rowan, rue, moss, oak, lily of the valley, laurel, hazel.

acacia, apple blossom, birch, catnip, cinquefoil, elder, fern, gardenia, heather, honeysuckle, jasmine, juniper, lavender, marigold, marjoram, mistletoe, moonwort, musk, patchouli, rose, savory, valerian, vanilla, wormwood, yarrow.

Allspice, apple blossom, Melissa, orange, nutmeg, violet.

Basil, cinnamon, ginger, neroli, ylang ylang.

acacia, angelica,

New Beginnings
birch oil.

angelica, bay, bayberry, birch, cinnamon, cypress, frankincense, jasmine, lily of the valley, patchouli, pine, rue, vervain, basil, fern, fir, nawthorn, hazel, heather, holly, juniper, mistletoe, mugwort, oak, pepper, rosemary, thistle, rowan, wormwood, yarrow.

Psychic Centers, Opening
lotus, mimosa, mugwort, nutmeg, wisteria.

Almond, bergamot, honeysuckle, mint, peony.

bay laurel, frankincense, lavender, myrrh, pine, rosemary, vervain, basil, betony, cedar, dragon's blood, elder, hyssop, marjoram, oak, peppermint, rue, salt, thyme, valerian, woodruff.

lilac, sandalwood.

Chamomile, lavender, peppermint, thyme.

Bergamot, clove, ginger, lemon balm.

bay laurel, frankincense, lotus, acacia, marigold, mugwort, wormwood.

Will Power
rosemary, St. Johnswort.

Harmful Herbs

(The following I collected from different sites)

Remember, just because something is natural, it doesn't make it safe. The following herbs have the potential to be very harmful or even deadly if ingested. I suggest avoiding them. However, if you choose to use them, please do your research first. And if you are taking any medication, consult your doctor before using any herb.

Aloe Vera Can be a powerful laxative
Borage Harmful in large doses; may cause liver damage and cancer
Broom Toxic; diuretic
Coltsfoot May cause cancer
Comfrey May cause liver damage and cancer
Ephedra Should not be used by people with heart conditions, blood pressure, diabetes or thyroid disease
Floxglove Potent heart toxin
Juniper Shouldn't be used by women who are pregnant or have kidney disease
Licorice Excessive amounts may cause fluid retention and high blood pressure
Pennyroyal The essential oil may cause convulsions in large doses
Pokeweed May cause respiratory paralysis and convulsion
Rue May make skin more susceptible to sun damage
Sassafras May cause cancer
Yohimbe Side effects include nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, palpitations, insomnia and tremors

Never ingest the following:

Aconite, Balm of Gilead, Belladonna, Black Hellebore, Black Nightshade, Byrony, Calamus, Camphor, Carnation, Comfrey, Deadly Nightshade, Deerstongue, Eucalyptus, Euphorbium, Fern, Geranium, Heliotrope, Hemlock, Henbane, Hyacinth, Ivy, Mandrake, Mistletoe, Mums, Narcissus, Nightshade, Pine, Ranunculus, Tonka, Trefoil, Water parsnip, Wisteria, Wolfbane, Woodwarm, Yew

Use the following with caution as they may have ill effects on people with preexisting medical condition or sensitivity:

Acorn, Angelica, Bladderwack, Clover, Flax, Hemp, Hops, Juniper, Licorice, Mace, Nutmeg, Periwinkle, Red sandalwood, Rhubarb, Sandalwood, Stephontis, Sweet flag, Tobacco, Woodruff

Dangerous Herbs for Pregnant Women

Below you will find a list of dangerous herbs for pregnant women to handle. Some of you might be shocked to find ordinary "kitchen herbs" on the list, but herbs such as sage and thyme can stimulate uterine contractions.

I complied this list from research done when I was pregnant. I do not claim that this is an all-inclusive list. Please research, or better yet, avoid any herb you are uncertain of. It is much better to be safe than sorry. As with any medicine, always check with your doctor before use.

I would like to call special attention to the dangers of
Pennyroyal. This herb is especially dangerous; it has been linked to spontaneous abortions. If you have it in any form -- including massage or bath oils or lotions --- please discard it immediately. Remember, your baby's life is not worth the risk of keeping dangerous supplies that can easily replaced after your baby is born.

The following commonly used cooking herbs may encourage miscarriage and should be avoided during the first trimester and used sparingly throughout the pregnancy:

Basil, Caraway Seed, Celery Seed, Ginger, Fresh Horseradish, Savory, Marjoram, Nutmeg, Rosemary, Saffron, Sage, Parsley, Tarragon and Thyme.

The following herbs are best avoided while trying to conceive as well as during the first trimester. They have been known to prevent conception and/or cause the uterine to contract:

Pennyroyal, Wild Carrot Seed · Rue · Buckwheat · Elder · Smartweed · Ginger root · Tansy · Angelica · Lemon Balm · Bethroot · Black Cohosh · Blue Cohosh · Cotton Root Bark · European Vervain · Ergot fungus · Feverfew (in flower) · Hyssop · Liferoot (in flower) · Lovage · Marijuana · Mistletoe · Motherwort · Mugwort · Osha · Peruvian Bark · Rosemary (in flower) · Rue · Saffron · Sumac · Sweet Flag · fresh Wood Sorrel

The following herbs could cause birth defects:

Ma Huang (Ephedra) · Osha · Flax seed · Senna · Aloes · Castor Oil · Turkey Rhubarb · Buckthorn · Cascara Sagrada · Buchu · Horsetail · Juniper berries · Agave · Ginseng · Licorice · Hops · Sage

Here are some more herbs to be weary of:

Adler buckthorn-Laxative
American Mandrake-Stimulates uterine contractions
Angelica -Emmenagogue
Barberry -Uterine stimulant. Emmenagogue
Birthroot -Uterine astringent, Emmenagogue
Black Cohosh -Stimulates uterine contractions
Blessed Thistle -Strongly stimulates digestion, metabolism
Bloodroot -Stimulates uterine contractions
Blue Cohosh -Stimulates uterine contractions
Butternut -Laxative
Calamus -Stimulates uterine contractions
Cascara Sagrada -Laxative, Stimulates uterine contractions, Emmenagogue
Cayenne -Stimulates uterine contractions
Cinchona -Emmenagogue
Coltsfoot -Possibly fetotoxic
Cotton-Root Bark -Emmenagogue
Damiana -Affects nervous system and hormonal actively
Dockis -Laxative
Drug Aloe -Laxative
Ephedra -Cardiac stimulant, Emmenagogue
Fennel -Stimulates uterine contractions
Feverfew -Emmenagogue, Stimulates uterine contractions
Flaxseed -Stimulates uterine contractions
Goldenseal -Uterine stimulant, Emmenagogue
Gotu Kola -Affects nervous system
Juniper berries -Possibly fetotoxic, affects kidneys
Lady's Mantle -Stimulates uterine contractions, Emmenagogue
Licorice -Stimulates uterine contractions, Emmenagogue
Mayapple -Stimulates uterine contractions
Meadow Saffron -Laxative
Mistletoe -Stimulates uterine contractions, Emmenagogue
Mugwort -Emmenagogue
Nutmeg -Slightly toxic
Osha -Emmenagogue